What kind of people does God use to display His power and wisdom in their lives? What is the purpose for why He chooses them?
What kind of people does God use to display His power and wisdom in their lives? What is the purpose for why He chooses them?
What happens when how we think God should be like is different than who God really is? How do we respond when God reveals himself in a way that is different than what we expect?
What happens when God does things that doesn’t make sense? How do you respond to God’s plans when they don’t line up with your plans?
A cross seems like a bad example of power. And yet God, in his wisdom, chose to display a kind of power through the cross that is astounding.
Paul warns the church about the dangers of division within the church family. What were they fighting over? What were the effects of their division? And how do they recover from it?
God has given us many riches because of his grace toward us. As saints, we have riches that affect our past, present, and future. What are those riches? And are we living as ones who are rich in those graces?
Paul begins his letter to the Corinthian church reminding them of who he is in Jesus and who they are in Jesus.
We are beginning our study of 1 Corinthians. Today, we see the overarching theme throughout the letter: that as a body of believers in Jesus, we are to be built up together by seeing all of life through the lens of the Gospel.