Through the Psalms

Psalm 121- Help for the Journey Home

In Psalm 121, we meet a traveler who tells the story of God’s help as he reaches Jerusalem, his home. His story reminds us of the help that is ours on our journey home too, that sustains us now, and will sustain us until we reach our eternal home.

Psalm 110- The Messiah Revealed

In Psalm 110, David begins a majestic unveiling of the coming Messiah. He describes three aspects of the Messiah to reveal who He will be, and what He will do when He comes.

Psalm Book 5- Going Home

The fifth book of Psalms tells a beautiful story of how God protects his people while they are in exile, and then gently leads them home, where they will be with Him forever, enjoying the blessings of His care for them as those who are part of His Kingdom.

Psalm 96- The Chorus of Praise

Today we’re going to look at the second step of restoring your confidence in God during difficult times. Once we take the first step of remembering God’s goodness and faithfulness, the next step is to have the right response toward what we remember. What is that response? Praise!