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Psalm Book 5- Going Home

The fifth book of Psalms tells a beautiful story of how God protects his people while they are in exile, and then gently leads them home, where they will be with Him forever, enjoying the blessings of His care for them as those who are part of His Kingdom.

Psalm 101- Protecting Your Heart of Worship

In Psalm 101, David shows how our worship doesn’t just come from our words of praise, but also from a life that flows out of a pure heart. There are things around us that could corrupt our heart though. What are they, and how do we shield our heart from them?

Psalm Book 4- Looking Back to Move Forward

While Book 3 describes the crisis of faith that Israel endured in the exile, Book 4 describes the way to move forward in your faith once again. It does that by calling us to look back to remember God’s faithfulness. And as we remember who God is, our response of worship and praise compels us…

Psalm 86- When I Am Troubled, I Call On You

When you find yourself in trouble, calling on someone to help you is critical in finding rescue. In those times, who do you call on? What do you say? In the same way that WE use the psalms to help us in times of trouble, in Psalm 86, David uses scripture to help him as…

Psalm 79- When All Seems Lost

What happens when you find yourself in a place where it seems like you’ve lost everything? And worse, it’s something you know you deserve? Today we’re going to look at what led the children of Israel to this very point. Psalm 79, tells the story of those who suffered this great loss. In their story,…

Psalm 73- A Refreshed Perspective

Psalm 73 is the story of one man’s journey through a time when he had lost the proper perspective of those around him, of himself, and of God. In this Psalm, he tells us how that mistaken perspective affected his heart and caused him to almost lose his faith in God. But we’re also going…