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Less than 12 hours after Jesus displayed His glory to and through the disciples by feeding the multitude, He uses another difficult situation to help them to see clearly that He really is the Son of God. Today we will see how even the most difficult storms in life can become the clearest moments of…
Today we will look at one special miracle of Jesus. This miracle had a profound impact on the disciples. And this miracle has a profound impact on us as followers of Jesus ourselves. It is a great help not only to know who Jesus is, but also to trust what He does in our own…
In today’s passage, we are introduced to four witnesses who affirm that what Jesus says about Himself is true. Who are these witnesses? How do they affirm Jesus’ words? And finally, how should we respond to what these witnesses testify?
Knowing who Jesus is is incredibly important, because it helps you to determine how much you’re willing to trust Him. And it’s through that trust that Jesus gives you life. In our passage, Jesus tells us a lot about Himself. Let’s take a closer look at what they are.
In today’s passage, after healing the crippled man at the pool of Bethesda, Jesus tells the Jewish leaders why He has the authority to heal on the Sabbath. And in his answer, he reveals to them something amazing: that He truly is the Son of God!
Some people who see the miracles of Jesus respond by believing that Jesus is the Son of God. Others who see the exact same miracles choose to reject Jesus. Today we will see how one person finds healing and restoration in Jesus and others choose to reject and persecute Him because of the third miracle…
Today, we’re going to see the second miracle of Jesus that John writes about. Each miracle is intended to help us see and believe that Jesus really is the Christ, the Son of God. Sometimes, it takes a few stages of faith for us to come to believe Jesus in that way. So John helps…
Today, we’re going to see how the Samaritan woman at the well is changed because of her conversation with Jesus. And we get to see how Jesus chooses her, the one person who was despised by everyone, to become the reason her whole town is also changed.
We’ve been going through a conversation that Jesus had with the Samaritan woman at the well. Today we come to a very important part of the conversation. The woman is going to ask Jesus a question about worship, and from Jesus’ answer, we can learn a lot about how WE are to worship God too!
Today, through Jesus’ conversation with the woman at the well, we’re going to learn that just as much as we need physical water for life, there is another kind of water that we need too. A kind of water that gives us spiritual life.