
Sermons on John (Page 6)

The Christmas Story Told by John

Within the four Gospels, John tells the Christmas story in a very unique way. He tells the story of Jesus’ birth without ever telling us about Mary, Joseph, the angels, or the shepherds. John tells us the “story behind the story” of Jesus’ birth.

In Christ I Am A Part of God’s Temple

Because you are in Christ, you are part of His Temple. But what does that mean? And what does that have to do with my value and significance in Him? The more we understand this amazing privilege that is ours, the more it will motivate us to love and serve our church family, and to…

In Christ I Am Guided

I know that Jesus gives me the strength to follow Him, but how do I know how to follow Him in MY life? How do I take what Jesus says in his Word and apply it to my situation, in my daily living so that I know where to go, and what to do with…

In Christ I Am Sealed By His Spirit

Today we look at the third of the special relationships that we have because we are in Jesus. As ones who have put our faith in Jesus, we are sealed with the Holy Spirit, who was promised to us by Jesus Himself. What does it mean to be sealed by the Holy Spirit? Discover with…

In Christ I Am a Friend of the King

One incredible aspect of who you are in Jesus is the special relationship that you have with Jesus Himself. Jesus the King is your friend. What exactly does that relationship look like in your life? And how can you and I reciprocate that special friendship with the King of Kings?

Easter Promises

Jesus’ Easter Promises can give us peace when we are surrounded in fear and uncertainty. His promises can give us hope for the moment we meet Him face to face. And His promises can inspire us to share His wonderful salvation with others.