Sermons on New Testament (Page 22)

The Spiritual Gift of Speaking in Tongues

What was the spiritual gift of speaking in tongues actually like in the early Church? What was the purpose for the gift? How was it used during the gathering of the church, and how does that apply to us now? These are the things that we look at during our study of the gift of…

The Spiritual Gifts of Apostles and Prophets

Have you ever thought about how a spiritual gift that God gave to Christians over two thousand years ago has a direct impact on YOU every day?? What could it be? Find out as we discover God’s amazing plan in giving the church spiritual gifts specifically designed to reveal the deep and wonderful truths of…

Christmas Gifts of Grace

How does the birth of Jesus over two thousand years ago affect you right now, today? Jesus is described as the grace of God that brings salvation. So how does that impact my past, present and future? Passages used in this sermon: Titus 2:11-14