Sermons on Philippians (Page 3)

The Glorious Ascension

Last week we saw how low Jesus was willing to go in humbling himself. Jesus’ descent of humility was massive. Today, we’re going to see that it didn’t end there. It’s followed by his soaring ascent of glory. How is that ascension described and how are we connected to it?

The Balance of Life and Death

Have you ever had to choose between two really good things? Like maybe two flavors of ice cream that you love, but could only choose one of them? Today, we’re going to a similar choice that Paul faced, and one that you and I face as well. It’s a choice that helps us to see…

Confidence in the Gospel

Why do we recommend things to others? One big reason is because of our confidence in what we recommend. In the same way, we share the Gospel because our experience with Jesus has been wonderful for us, and we are confident that it will be for those with whom we share it.

The Work of Jesus

The Work of Jesus

Jesus does an amazing work in us. It’s a work that starts with salvation that abundantly flows in us, and continues with grace that flows abundantly through us! How do we respond to this incredible work of Jesus?