
Sermons on Psalms (Page 2)

Psalm Book 4- Looking Back to Move Forward

While Book 3 describes the crisis of faith that Israel endured in the exile, Book 4 describes the way to move forward in your faith once again. It does that by calling us to look back to remember God’s faithfulness. And as we remember who God is, our response of worship and praise compels us…

Psalm 73- A Refreshed Perspective

Psalm 73 is the story of one man’s journey through a time when he had lost the proper perspective of those around him, of himself, and of God. In this Psalm, he tells us how that mistaken perspective affected his heart and caused him to almost lose his faith in God. But we’re also going…

Psalm Book 3- Faith on a Thread

What happens when it seems that nothing in your life is visibly displaying the goodness of God? Wherever you look is distress, and it seems that there’s no way His promises will come true? When your faith is on a thread? Book 3 of Psalms walks us through those times, but it also shows us…

Psalm 67- The Flow of Praise

How important is it that you actively pursue God and His blessings, and then actively praise Him FOR His blessings? In Psalm 67, we discover that what is a very personal aspect of our relationship with God, at the same time has an incredibly huge impact to people all around us.

Psalm 51- Repentant, Restored

Psalm 51 is a story that reveals the repentant heart of David after he had committed sin. The truth is David isn’t the only one who messes up. We all do. And so his repentance can help us in our repentance, and his restoration can help us to to trust in God’s abundant mercy and…