
Jesus Through the Eyes of John (Page 5)

Worship: in Spirit and in Truth

We’ve been going through a conversation that Jesus had with the Samaritan woman at the well. Today we come to a very important part of the conversation. The woman is going to ask Jesus a question about worship, and from Jesus’ answer, we can learn a lot about how WE are to worship God too!

Come to the Light

Today we finish Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus. Jesus closes his conversation by using darkness and light to show Nicodemus something that everyone, including us, must overcome in order to receive by faith the life Jesus gives.

You Must Be Born Again

Today we come to one of the most famous chapters in all the Bible. It’s a conversation Jesus has with a man to help him understand what has to happen for him to have eternal life. What Jesus tells this man is so helpful for us to understand what salvation is, and what actually happens…

The First Sign

Today we look at the first of seven miracles that John describes as he tells his story of Jesus. Each of these miracles are signs that are specifically chosen to show us that Jesus is truly the Son of God.