
Jesus Through the Eyes of John (Page 6)

Come and See

Each of us has encountered Jesus from different backgrounds and circumstances. And from that encounter, each of us is changed in different ways as we see Jesus more clearly. The same was true for those who first met Jesus. Today we will look at how their encounters with Jesus began to change their lives.

The Father and the Son

As we’re going through the series, Jesus through the Eyes of John, today for Father’s Day, we’re going to look at the relationship that Jesus, God the Son, had with God the Father that John saw and shared with us. And we’ll see how that relationship connects to our relationship with our Heavenly Father, and…

The Great Heart Doctor

Did you know that you’re suffering from a serious condition? It’s not just you. Everyone is suffering from it. And there’s only One person who is capable of helping you with it. From today’s passage, we see someone introduce us to the Great Doctor who can heal our heart.

When God’s Man Falls

Our Choices have consequences, and our sins don’t just affect us, they can also have devastating consequences for others. Today we will look at a sin of King David that resulted in the loss of 70,000 lives.

In the Beginning Was the Word

John begins his story of Jesus in a very unique way. He starts at the VERY beginning. Not the beginning of Jesus’ life on earth, but the beginning of time itself! Through his introduction, we see Jesus in a way that is hard to forget!