In today’s passage, Jesus uses an interesting passage to help us see just how much God loves us, and how far God was willing to go to bring us into His kingdom.
In today’s passage, Jesus uses an interesting passage to help us see just how much God loves us, and how far God was willing to go to bring us into His kingdom.
In today’s passage, Jesus helps Nicodemus (and us) to see that in order for us to better understand what Jesus teaches, we first must know Jesus Himself.
Today we come to one of the most famous chapters in all the Bible. It’s a conversation Jesus has with a man to help him understand what has to happen for him to have eternal life. What Jesus tells this man is so helpful for us to understand what salvation is, and what actually happens…
Jesus sometimes does things that take us a while to understand why. Today we will look at a situation where Jesus did just that for His disciples. Through an unexpected act in the Temple in Jerusalem, Jesus gave His disciples a huge hint about Himself that they would only come to understand later.
Today we look at the first of seven miracles that John describes as he tells his story of Jesus. Each of these miracles are signs that are specifically chosen to show us that Jesus is truly the Son of God.
As imitators of Christ, we should examine Jesus’ example of ministry and apply it to our lives. Join us today as we examine the life of the greatest leader and teacher of all time.
Each of us has encountered Jesus from different backgrounds and circumstances. And from that encounter, each of us is changed in different ways as we see Jesus more clearly. The same was true for those who first met Jesus. Today we will look at how their encounters with Jesus began to change their lives.
As you get to know Jesus more and more clearly, there are several ways you will naturally respond to that clearer perspective of Jesus. Today we’re going to look at how John the Baptist saw Jesus, and how he responded to what he saw.
As we’re going through the series, Jesus through the Eyes of John, today for Father’s Day, we’re going to look at the relationship that Jesus, God the Son, had with God the Father that John saw and shared with us. And we’ll see how that relationship connects to our relationship with our Heavenly Father, and…
Did you know that you’re suffering from a serious condition? It’s not just you. Everyone is suffering from it. And there’s only One person who is capable of helping you with it. From today’s passage, we see someone introduce us to the Great Doctor who can heal our heart.