Sermons by Steve Carter

Joy out of Sorrow

In today’s passage, Jesus reminds the disciples that they will have to go through a time of sorrow. But He also reminds them that even out of the sorrow, He will give us joy that overwhelms the sorrow itself.

For the Glory of God

God created us so that we could display His glory. But how do we do that? Is it just when we praise Him or tell others about Him? Today, we’re going to discover that every part of our lives is interwoven with the purpose of glorifying God.

The Gift of Peace

As we finish John 14, we’re going to look at yet another gift that Jesus gives us through His Spirit in us: the gift of peace. What is it about Jesus’ peace that makes it different? Why is it such a wonderful gift?

The One Who Brings to Remembrance

In our passage for today, Jesus takes care of a very important need through the Holy Spirit being in our hearts. The Holy Spirit gives us the assurance that we can fully and confidently trust the reliability of the apostles’ testimonies.

The One Who Lives In You

In our passage for today, Jesus helps us to see how important and wonderful it is that the Holy Spirit lives within us. He does that by showing us the special connection to Jesus and to God the Father that the Holy Spirit gives us.