Sermons by Steve Carter (Page 20)

The Balance of Life and Death

Have you ever had to choose between two really good things? Like maybe two flavors of ice cream that you love, but could only choose one of them? Today, we’re going to a similar choice that Paul faced, and one that you and I face as well. It’s a choice that helps us to see…

The Work of Jesus

The Work of Jesus

Jesus does an amazing work in us. It’s a work that starts with salvation that abundantly flows in us, and continues with grace that flows abundantly through us! How do we respond to this incredible work of Jesus?

Easter Promises

Jesus’ Easter Promises can give us peace when we are surrounded in fear and uncertainty. His promises can give us hope for the moment we meet Him face to face. And His promises can inspire us to share His wonderful salvation with others.

The Christian’s Perspective on Sickness

Why do we as humans suffer through diseases and infections like the corona virus? What does the Bible tell us about where sickness came from? What hope does the Bible offer to us? How does a Bible-shaped perspective of sickness help us to see that we CAN respond in hope and comfort, and even joy,…