
Sermons by Steve Carter (Page 9)

The Things That Remain

Temporary things? Or things that last forever? These are the things that help us determine where to keep our main focus. This also applies to how we see our spiritual gifts and what they produce: love.

The Body of Christ

God designed your body in an amazing way. All the different parts are made to both help each other and need each other. It’s the same way that God designed your church as the body of Christ. He designed each of us to both help each other and need each other.

Sharing Your Spiritual Gifts

What are the spiritual gifts? Why do we have them? Today we’re going to see that our spiritual gifts were designed as tools to be used to serve those around us. When we use them in the right way, we glorify Jesus by loving our brothers and sisters the way Jesus loves them.

What is the Lord’s Supper?

Today we’re going to look at the Lord’s supper. What is it? And how does it identify us as followers of Jesus when we take part in it? To help us, we’re going look at the Passover meal that Jesus and his disciples were eating when He set in place this time of remembering.

How NOT to Take the Lord’s Supper

The Lord’s Supper is a special time that is meant to remind us of the sacrifice Jesus was willing to make for our redemption. It’s meant to be a time of joyful thanksgiving. But it’s also possible to approach it in the wrong way, which is what the Corinthian church did. How did they approach…

Understanding Your Role

**We had an issue with our audio recording for this sermon. Our apologies! Within all kinds of relationships, we see a pattern that God as put into place that helps support the structure of the relationship. Each side of that relationship has a role to play. Each side trusts and relies on the other to…