Sermons on Philippians (Page 2)

Watch and Learn (Part 2)

Last week, we looked at what it means to watch and learn from others in our lives, and also the importance of showing others how God’s grace is flowing through your life. But what happens if you aren’t like Paul or Timothy? What if you don’t think you have all that much of God’s grace…

The Glorious Ascension

Last week we saw how low Jesus was willing to go in humbling himself. Jesus’ descent of humility was massive. Today, we’re going to see that it didn’t end there. It’s followed by his soaring ascent of glory. How is that ascension described and how are we connected to it?

The Magnificent Descent

“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” This phrase unites the connection we have with Jesus and the connection we have with one another. The more we can uncover the depth and magnitude of its meaning, the more amazing this phrase becomes.


Did you ever play connect-the-dots when you were a kid? The church is actually a lot like that. Our connection with one another can become a beautiful display of the glory of Jesus.