
Sermons on Spiritual Identity (Page 2)

In Christ I Am Made Righteous

What does it mean to be perfect, what the Bible calls righteous? Seems like a difficult task doesn’t it? More like impossible? In one way, yes. But in another way, not at all. Because you are in Jesus, the position of perfect righteousness is already yours!

In Christ I Am Sealed By His Spirit

Today we look at the third of the special relationships that we have because we are in Jesus. As ones who have put our faith in Jesus, we are sealed with the Holy Spirit, who was promised to us by Jesus Himself. What does it mean to be sealed by the Holy Spirit? Discover with…

In Christ I Am a Friend of the King

One incredible aspect of who you are in Jesus is the special relationship that you have with Jesus Himself. Jesus the King is your friend. What exactly does that relationship look like in your life? And how can you and I reciprocate that special friendship with the King of Kings?