John begins his story of Jesus in a very unique way. He starts at the VERY beginning. Not the beginning of Jesus’ life on earth, but the beginning of time itself! Through his introduction, we see Jesus in a way that is hard to forget!
John begins his story of Jesus in a very unique way. He starts at the VERY beginning. Not the beginning of Jesus’ life on earth, but the beginning of time itself! Through his introduction, we see Jesus in a way that is hard to forget!
As we begin looking at the Gospel of John, we will be looking at Jesus through the eyes of John His disciple. As John grew to know Jesus more and more, the one who was nicknamed by Jesus as the Son of Thunder, was changed by Jesus, to one day be known as the Apostle…
Being a mom is not easy. There are times when the work can be exhausting and difficult. Even when your son is the Son of God. But God is always faithful and will sustain you through this important role. Through Mary, we can learn several different ways God sustains us.
Today we finish our study of 1 Corinthians by looking at Paul’s final greetings to the Corinthian church family. Through his greetings, we see an amazing aspect of how people within the church, not just the shepherds, are actively working to help build up the church.
As Paul is closing his letter to the Corinthians, he adds four short but important things that he wants them to remember about what Jesus did for them, and how they can live in response to that. These four things are also incredibly important for us as well.