In today’s passage, we are introduced to four witnesses who affirm that what Jesus says about Himself is true. Who are these witnesses? How do they affirm Jesus’ words? And finally, how should we respond to what these witnesses testify?
In today’s passage, we are introduced to four witnesses who affirm that what Jesus says about Himself is true. Who are these witnesses? How do they affirm Jesus’ words? And finally, how should we respond to what these witnesses testify?
Knowing who Jesus is is incredibly important, because it helps you to determine how much you’re willing to trust Him. And it’s through that trust that Jesus gives you life. In our passage, Jesus tells us a lot about Himself. Let’s take a closer look at what they are.
In today’s passage, after healing the crippled man at the pool of Bethesda, Jesus tells the Jewish leaders why He has the authority to heal on the Sabbath. And in his answer, he reveals to them something amazing: that He truly is the Son of God!
Some people who see the miracles of Jesus respond by believing that Jesus is the Son of God. Others who see the exact same miracles choose to reject Jesus. Today we will see how one person finds healing and restoration in Jesus and others choose to reject and persecute Him because of the third miracle…
Today, we’re going to see the second miracle of Jesus that John writes about. Each miracle is intended to help us see and believe that Jesus really is the Christ, the Son of God. Sometimes, it takes a few stages of faith for us to come to believe Jesus in that way. So John helps…