In our passage for today, Jesus takes care of a very important need through the Holy Spirit being in our hearts. The Holy Spirit gives us the assurance that we can fully and confidently trust the reliability of the apostles’ testimonies.
In our passage for today, Jesus takes care of a very important need through the Holy Spirit being in our hearts. The Holy Spirit gives us the assurance that we can fully and confidently trust the reliability of the apostles’ testimonies.
In our passage for today, Jesus helps us to see how important and wonderful it is that the Holy Spirit lives within us. He does that by showing us the special connection to Jesus and to God the Father that the Holy Spirit gives us.
In our passage for today, Jesus tells us about one of the most wonderful blessings He could have given to us to help us as we follow Him. Not just hope for our future, but another Helper who walks with us each day.
In our passage, Jesus helps us to see the deep connection between Himself and God the Father. And through that, He helps us to see our deep connection to Him through the work He does through us.