
We hope that the sermons here at Akigawa Baptist Church will be a help to you in your walk with God.
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Like Father, Like Son

There are a lot of similarities between fathers and sons. In our passage, Jesus uses those similarities to describe father-son connections. First to describe His connection with Himself and God the Father, but also to point out the connection that certain people claimed to have with God wasn’t really there.

Coming and Going

Today we’re going to see people who chose not to follow Jesus. Instead of walking in the life of the light of Jesus, we will see that they continue to walk in darkness, even when Jesus the Light is standing right in front of them. What does Jesus reveal to them about their condition?

Supplies for the Journey

When I go hiking, I go through my backpack to make sure that I have the things I need to help me throughout the trip. This is a lot like us in preparing for the new year. It’s good to prepare for the next year’s journey with a fresh reminder of the many things that…

Christmas Gifts of Grace

Opening a gift and finding something you can use once or twice is great. But to have a gift that you can open every day to find something you need for that day is amazing! This is what Jesus gives us through His birth: incredible gifts of grace!