Sermons on John (Page 4)


In our passage today, we’re going to meet a man who was born blind. He had never seen the beauty of God’s creation or the faces of his loved ones. But one day, Jesus comes to him and restores his sight. He not only gets to see clearly physically for the first time, but also…

Like Father, Like Son

There are a lot of similarities between fathers and sons. In our passage, Jesus uses those similarities to describe father-son connections. First to describe His connection with Himself and God the Father, but also to point out the connection that certain people claimed to have with God wasn’t really there.

Coming and Going

Today we’re going to see people who chose not to follow Jesus. Instead of walking in the life of the light of Jesus, we will see that they continue to walk in darkness, even when Jesus the Light is standing right in front of them. What does Jesus reveal to them about their condition?

Light of Life

Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” What does it mean to have the light of life that Jesus offers? And why is it important to know Jesus, the light of the world?

Salvation: Behind the Scenes

Have you ever watched a movie and then watched the behind the scenes of how they made the movie? In our passage for today, Jesus spotlights some of the behind-the-scene things that He and His Father do to make our salvation possible.

Bread of Life

The day after Jesus fed over five thousand people, the crowd search for Jesus, hoping to experience an encore of of receiving the food they enjoyed the day before. But in our passage, we’re going to see that Jesus wants them to receive something MUCH greater than just another meal of bread and fish. He…

Master of the Storm

Less than 12 hours after Jesus displayed His glory to and through the disciples by feeding the multitude, He uses another difficult situation to help them to see clearly that He really is the Son of God. Today we will see how even the most difficult storms in life can become the clearest moments of…