Sermons on New Testament (Page 18)

Easter Promises

Jesus’ Easter Promises can give us peace when we are surrounded in fear and uncertainty. His promises can give us hope for the moment we meet Him face to face. And His promises can inspire us to share His wonderful salvation with others.

Kingdoms in Conflict: The Present Kingdom

Knowing what we know about the Coming Kingdom, how does that affect my daily walk today with my brothers and sisters in Jesus? How does it help me to respond in the right way when someone takes something that rightfully belongs to me?

Kingdoms in Conflict: A Coming Kingdom

How much does the coming Kingdom of Jesus have to do with how we interact with our brothers and sisters today? We’re going to find out through this series in 1 Corinthians 6, that it has everything to do with it. But first, how exactly will Jesus’ kingdom affect us when it comes?