1 Corinthians

Building Up Together

Today we finish our study of 1 Corinthians by looking at Paul’s final greetings to the Corinthian church family. Through his greetings, we see an amazing aspect of how people within the church, not just the shepherds, are actively working to help build up the church.

Changed in a Moment

One day, there will come a moment in which everything changes. For all who have trusted Jesus, the change that happens in this moment will define the beginning of their eternity. It will also be the moment that will define the inevitable defeat of death.

In the Image of Jesus

Today, we continue to look at what our resurrection bodies will be like. In the same way that our current bodies are made in the image of Adam, our resurrection bodies will be made in the image of Jesus.

The Resurrection Body

Have you ever wondered what kind of body you’re going to be like when Jesus returns one day to raise you up from the dead? Today’s passage will give us several visual hints to help us know a little more of what it will look like.

Changed by the Gospel

Jesus’ resurrection gives us great hope! But what does that hope look like when we go through difficult struggles? How does having a clear perspective of Jesus’ resurrection help us during those times? And what happens if we lose that perspective?