Sermons on John (Page 4)

Like Father, Like Son

There are a lot of similarities between fathers and sons. In our passage, Jesus uses those similarities to describe father-son connections. First to describe His connection with Himself and God the Father, but also to point out the connection that certain people claimed to have with God wasn’t really there.

Coming and Going

Today we’re going to see people who chose not to follow Jesus. Instead of walking in the life of the light of Jesus, we will see that they continue to walk in darkness, even when Jesus the Light is standing right in front of them. What does Jesus reveal to them about their condition?

Light of Life

Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” What does it mean to have the light of life that Jesus offers? And why is it important to know Jesus, the light of the world?

When You Don’t Understand

Have you ever read the Bible and come across something that isn’t just hard to understand, but maybe even a little hard to accept? Things that make you wonder “Why did God do that?” or “Why did Jesus say that?” Today we come to a passage just like that. And we get to see different…

Bread of Life

The day after Jesus fed over five thousand people, the crowd search for Jesus, hoping to experience an encore of of receiving the food they enjoyed the day before. But in our passage, we’re going to see that Jesus wants them to receive something MUCH greater than just another meal of bread and fish. He…

Miracle Meal

Today we will look at one special miracle of Jesus. This miracle had a profound impact on the disciples. And this miracle has a profound impact on us as followers of Jesus ourselves. It is a great help not only to know who Jesus is, but also to trust what He does in our own…