1 Corinthians (Page 5)

Should I? or Shouldn’t I?

As a Christian, have you ever wondered what to do when you face something that isn’t specifically mentioned in the Bible? What do you do when you’re not sure how to apply the truths of the Bible to an area of in your life? 1 Corinthians 8 gives us some guidelines to help us know…

Bloom Where You’re Planted

As Christians, we are able to find complete satisfaction wherever we are as we walk with Jesus, and we can find great meaning and purpose in whatever situation we are in as we serve Him. This gives us the freedom to not have to worry about where God planted us, but instead to simply bloom…

Questions About Marriage

How does marriage work when both husband and wife are believers? And what about when either the husband or wife becomes a Christian, and the other one is not? How does that marriage work? Paul gives us very practical truths to help us in both situations in 1 Corinthians 7:10-16.

Gardeners, Builders and Fathers

In 1 Corinthians 3 and 4, Paul uses three pictures to describe the relationship between the church and its leaders. Each picture helps us to have a better understanding of the role of our leaders in our church, and how to learn from them.